Ariadne Press

The Golem By Gustav Meyrink, Translated by Michael Mitchell

The Golem By Gustav Meyrink, Translated by Michael Mitchell

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Gustav Meyrink has long attracted readers for his masterful novels, examining the supernatural, the macabre, the spiritual, and the occult. Nowhere are his skills in greater evidence than in The Golem, his most successful novel, which is also critically acknowledged to be his greatest work.

The legend of the Golem, associated with the sixteenth-century Rabbi Loew of Prague, who is said to have created an artificial man of clay — the Golem — to protect the inhabitants of the ghetto, has been told many times, but by none more effectively than by Meyrink. Like his contemporary, Kafka, Meyrink excels at creating an atmosphere of fear and apprehension.

"What holds us today is Meyrink's vision of Prague, as precise and fantastic at once as Dickens' London or Dostoevsky's St. Petersburg." Times Literary Supplement

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