Ariadne Press

The Green Face By Gustav Meyrink, Translated by Michael Mitchell

The Green Face By Gustav Meyrink, Translated by Michael Mitchell

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The Green Face is set in Amsterdam, which is used in the novel as a symbol of European decadence, and is ultimately destroyed. —The novel has the classic Meyrink features — the mystical wedding, the galaxy of grotesque characters, and the haunting atmosphere of the ghetto. Michael Mitchell's superb translation of The Green Face will help establish Meyrink's reputation as one of this century's most important authors of fantastic fiction.
"Meyrink's The Green Face is second in visionary power only to The Golem. . . By creating an all-pervading atmosphere of kafkaesque mystery and uncertainty, Meyrink succeeds in suggesting inexhaustible depths and heights of meaning.” —Franz Rottensteiner

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